How to Download Subtitles from YouTube Videos?

Limegreen Media
Download Subtitles from YouTube

In the streaming world, YouTube offers diverse content across genres, languages, and cultures. Subtitling and captioning choices contribute to the platform’s popularity, accessibility, and user experience. 

If you want to download subtitle files from YouTube, this guide is for YOU! We will discuss methods to help you download YouTube video subtitle files in TXT and SRT formats. 

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Method 1 - Download Subtitles from YouTube Manually

  • Step # 1 – Visit in your preferred web browser.
  • Step # 2 – Use the search bar or other options to play a video with subtitles. 
  • Step # 3 – Play it and then click the icon that looks like a box with “CC” in the bottom right corner of the video to see if a video includes subtitles. If the video contains subtitles, they will appear on the screen.


  • Step # 4 – Click on the ‘more’ option below the video to view the full description.


  • Step # 5 – Scroll down the description, and at the end of it, you will see a button, ‘Show Transcript’. Click on it and an interactive transcript panel will appear on the right side of the video player.


  • Step # 6 – You can toggle on/off the timestamp by clicking on the ‘three dots’ above the panel.


  • Step # 7 – Open the notepad file by clicking on the start menu.


  • Step # 8 – Select and copy the transcript by pressing Clt+C or by right-clicking your mouse and selecting the ‘copy’ option.


  • Step # 9 – Paste the copied transcript into the notepad and save it.


Method 2 - Download Subtitles from YouTube Using a YouTube Subtitle Downloader

  • Step # 1 – Visit in your preferred web browser and open the video you want to download subtitles for.


  • Step # 2 – Copy the video’s URL from the address bar, or select ‘Share’ underneath the video and then ‘Copy’ next to the URL field.


  • Step # 3 – Now, go to, and use the search engine to find a free YouTube subtitle downloader.


  • Step # 4 – Based on the search results, we chose ‘DownSub’. Paste your YouTube video URL in the ‘bar’ beside the ‘Download’ button to generate the subtitles.


  • Step # 5 – Now, you can download the subtitles ‘SRT’ or ‘TXT file.


Bottom Line

Many people prefer watching videos with subtitles, and YouTube also offers this accessibility feature. However, they often struggle to understand how to download videos from YouTube with subtitles. This comprehensive and easy-to-understand guide discussed two methods to help you overcome this issue. These methods can be used to download transcripts manually or use a free subtitle downloader to get the SRT/ TXT files of subtitles.


To download a video with subtitles from YouTube in VLC, copy the YouTube transcript, convert the TXT file to SRT, launch the VLC media player, and open the YouTube video you downloaded. Next, add the subtitles to the video with VLC and save the video with subtitles using VLC.

To download CC subtitles from YouTube as plain text, open the transcript next to your YouTube video, then select the text. Copy and paste it into a plain text editor like Notepad for Windows or TextEdit on Mac. You can then save it as plain text (.txt).

The easiest approach to downloading subtitles in SRT format from YouTube is to utilize a free subtitle downloader, which can prepare the text and timestamps for you. If you prefer to accomplish this manually, copy the preceding transcript text into a plain text editor and change it with the proper SRT formatting, such as sequencing, timestamps, and spacing. When you save the document, you can change the file extension from (.txt) to (.srt) in the filename.


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